Outdoor Fitness Perth
What is TrekFit?

Make your fitness training an adventure! TrekFit has been created for those wanting to incorporate walking as part of their fitness or weight loss regime. TrekFit is designed for those that are looking to add variety & challenge to their outdoor fitness walking sessions.
Want to get some fresh air and become fit & healthy at the same time? If so, TrekFit is for you!
What does TrekFit involve?
rekfit is an outdoor fitness program that incorporates on-and off-track walking as well as outdoor exercises designed to improve your health and overall endurance.
Taking you to places great in fitness and location, TrekFit introduces you to some great Perth tracks & trails. Enjoy a selection of varied walking locations designed to get you out in the fresh morning air whilst you trek your way to a healthier and happier you.

What fitness level do I need in order to participate?

The beauty of TrekFit is that it can be adapted to suit all fitness levels. This means that those starting out or returning to exercise can still actively participate.
It is also equally suitable for the intermediate to advanced exerciser, as the challenge can be increased for each individual. If you are preparing for a trekking expedition in the near future or beyond this is a great way to have you TrekFit & ready!
What are the benefits?
- Stronger heart and lungs
- Immune system boost
- Calorie and fat burning
- Increased overall endurance
- Increased energy levels
- Increased leg strength
What can be achieved?

Your fitness goals in TrekFit are only limited to your imagination. This outdoor fitness program is ideal for those preparing for challenging walking or trekking.
Some clients have used this program to achieve challenging treks such as Everest Base Camp and Mount Kilimanjaro.
Who takes the training?
Our Team of accredited Fitness Trainers includes Brett Smith & Rosemarie Viskovich. They will help make your trekking more enjoyable and assist you to achieve increased endurance and better fitness.
What is my investment?
At just $15.00 per session you can fast track your fitness and start achieving your TrekFit goals.
OR if you join our exclusive training group Club50, unlimited Group Training and TrekFit sessions are included in the membership price.

What are the session details?
Day: Thursday (Sessions are currently suspended)
Time: 6.00am-7.00am
Venue: Meet at Mind Body & Soul Fitness Studio
Bring: Please dress appropriately for weather conditions. Good walking/ running shoes and a drink bottle are a must!
Bookings: Contact Us for full session details and to book your first TrekFit session - outdoor fitness Perth.